About Quality Programs
SDQPI is a systemic approach to assessing, improving and communicating the level of quality in early care and education programs.
The focus of all SDQPI efforts align with the three domains established by Quality Counts California (QCC):
- Child Development and School Readiness
- Teachers and Teaching
- Program and Program Environment
Participating in Quality Improvement means that your program is given individualized support tailored to the needs of the site and the site leader. It is focused on how to support staff working directly with children to continually enhance and improve adult-child learning and development interactions and opportunities, maximizing each child’s potential.
SDQPI helps providers keep up to date with “best practices” in early learning and identify areas for continued improvement through Quality Improvement Plans.
Elements of Quality
- Relationships
- Curriculum
- Teaching
- Assessment of Child Progress
- Health
- Staff Competencies, Preparation, and Support
- Families
- Community Relationships
- Physical Environment
- Leadership and Management