Community Partners
SDQPI is how San Diego County implements the state of California’s Quality Rating and Improvement System, Quality Counts California (QCC). QCC is funded by First 5 California and state and federal funding via the California Department of Education. SDQPI is funded by QCC and First 5 San Diego. The focus of all SDQPI efforts aligns with the three domains established by QCC:
- Child Development and School Readiness
- Teachers and Teaching
- Program and Program Environment
SDQPI Community Partners include:
- San Diego County Office of Education
- First 5 San Diego
- YMCA Childcare Resource Service and Referral Agency Contract and Advisory
- San Diego Local Child Care and Development Planning Council
- Grossmont College Child Development Center
- San Diego State University
- Community Care and Licensing
- Center for Community Health
- County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency
- Child Development Associates
- Tribal Nations
We need your help to ensure that all of San Diego County’s children in their first five years of life get the kind of high-quality early care and education experiences they need to do well in school and beyond.
We invite you to participate in the following ways:
- Contact us to invest in supporting SDQPI’s rating and improvement efforts to enhance and sustain high quality for children ages 0-5;
- Contact us to sponsor the cost for a local early care education provider to receive a rating and/or related quality improvement support;
- Volunteer in an early learning program, especially as a member of an advisory committee or board of directors;
- Apply to participate in the Local Child Care and Development Planning Council to participate in developing early care and education strategies that meet local needs; and
- Talk with friends, neighbors and other community members about the impact high quality early learning environments have on local schools, neighborhoods and workforces.